At Bent Glass Design, we take the time to ensure every piece of glass we deliver matches your exact specifications. The look and durability of our glass is extremely important to us, but so is the shape and size. That’s why we employ a variety of methods in order to measure and design our custom curved glass. When we’re looking at a piece of curved glass, there are three important aspects to keep in mind. These are the circumference, radius, and diameter. These definitions are important for measuring a circle, which is a part of our glass design process.
Curved Glass Information
Below you will find the process we use for measuring the curved glass that we manufacture at Bent Glass Design. While we can take care of the design and manufacturing process for you, this information should assist you when you’re ordering custom curved glass. Follow the steps below and make sure you give us a call if you have any questions!
The Basics: Three Important Definitions

1. The Circumference:
Distance around the outside of the circle.
2. The Radius:
A line extending from the center point of the circle to the circumference. The radius is always the same from any point on the circle to center.
3. The Diameter:
A line drawn completely through a circle including the center point.

Bent Glass Design, Inc. Deals with Parts of Circles
All circles are divided into 360 degrees of an arc. For example, 1/8 of a circle = 45 degrees of arc and 1/4 of a circle = 90 degrees of arc.

1. The Girth
The length around a curve.
– measurement taken on either the concave or convex face of the glass (specify which).
– measurement must be taken with flexible tape.

2. The Height (or width):
The length of the glass.
3. The Depth:
Distance between the chord and the highest point of the curve.
4. The Angle:
Angle measurement in degrees of the bend.
5. The Chord:
Line segment between two points on a given curve.
– measurement must be taken with a flat ruler.
The Radius is 1/2 the diameter.
– measurement taken on either the concave or convex face of the glass (specify which).
– if an exact measurement can’t be taken, give the chord and depth measurements.
Some curve glass configurations have attached flats. A flat is a flat area at right angle to the radius. Additional measurement information is needed.

1. The Girth:
Distance between the chord and the highest point of the curve.
2. The Length: (of the Flat or Flats.)
– measure the length or the flat portion of the glass.

3. The Chord:
Line segment between two points on a given curve.
4. The Depth:
Distance between the chord and the highest point of the curve.
For reverse curves, measure the Girth by letting your flexible tape follow along the curves. To obtain the Radius or the Chord and Depth, treat each of the curves as a separate unit. Follow steps outlined for cylindrical bend.